Covid- 19 Protocols

  • Parents are asked to screen their children before sending them to our programs. Children who are not feeling well are asked to stay home. Use the school screening tool as a guide. We’ll do our best to help catch students up on what they miss. Private voice/piano lessons can potentially be done online in this instance.

  • Masks are optional in all classes and camps. For the purposes of the final productions we do recommend that performers go without a mask while on stage. This helps their ability to project voices, and share facial expressions and emotions with the audience. If there was illness going around, we would inform families and reassess the need for masks for the show.

  • Whenever possible, parents are asked to drop off and pick up only, to avoid added congestion inside the venue.

  • During camp, rooms are fully disinfected each day. We use a Fogger with a safe, hospital-grade disinfectant called Vital Oxide.

  • All ARTSies staff are fully vaccinated and use rapid tests regularly for an added layer of protection.